Actual Facebook Graph Searches - Mothers of Jews who like bacon... Employers...
Compiled by @tomscott. Don't worry, we'll all be used to this in a few weeks' time. Send in your...Josh Leichtung's insight:This is hilariously scary.The fact that there are fewer than 100 Mothers of...
View ArticleBest of Kickstarter 2012 Slideshow
From groundbreaking projects to inspiring stories, 2012 was a year of many memorable moments on Kickstarter.Josh Leichtung's insight:Some fascinating stats and Kickstarter projects given. Crowdfunding...
View ArticleStop Fetishizing Failure.
At the HarvardXDesign conference — a great event for the B-School— I was on a panel that did a crit on two teams from across Harvard that were the best of 9 teams competing in the challenge of...
View ArticleWant Great Customer Success Stories? Think Like a Screenwriter
The customer success story. Its very name telegraphs the ending before the journey even begins, but that's no excuse to violate the golden rule of storytelling: Don't be boring. Great, you say....
View ArticleThis Robot Could Be the New Quentin Tarantino [VIDEO]
Watch what happens when Artificial intelligence taps into the film industry.Josh Leichtung's insight:Not quite Spielberg, but Cleverbot does unwittingly create some funny stuff!See it on, via...
View ArticleThis Story About A Startup CEO Who Got Canned Months After Turning Down $100...
A worst nightmare comes true. (This Story About A Startup CEO Who Got Canned Months After Turning Down $100 Million Leichtung's insight:My father always used to say, "Know...
View ArticlePope Benedict to resign at the end of the month, Vatican says
Pope Benedict XVI will resign on February 28, his spokesman Father Federico Lombardi told CNN Monday.Josh Leichtung's insight:Off topic but...The rumor mills are going tonight!See it on, via...
View ArticleSuitcase Startup episode 2: Marketing tips for brand new startups
Every two weeks, we're following Chris Bradley in his Suitcase Startup mission, as he travels around his adopted home of London, armed only with a suitcase and a dream, meeting people ...Josh...
View ArticleStartup Mistakes That Drive Angel Investors and VCs Away! Part 1
Entrepreneurs need to be sentient of the reasons why Angels and VCs walk away from a deal. Here are a few guidelines that you need to avoid: Nothing to show for but an idea. Many entrepreneurs...
View ArticleKids Can Text, Call -- All Without a Cellphone | Digital - Advertising Age
pinger allows kids to call and text in exchange for viewing advertising. "we turn non-phones into phones," said pinger cmo terrence sweeney.Josh Leichtung's insight:This is what entrepreneurship is...
View ArticleBlueStacks Brings Over 750,000 Android Applications To Windows 8 And Surface...
BlueStacks, the startup bringing Android applications to PCs and Macs, is today releasing a version of its App Player software optimized for new Surface Pro PCs and others running Windows 8.Josh...
View ArticleIntel's TV service will be on mobile devices too, exec says
Erik Huggers, head of Intel's TV business, tells CNET that the company is staying away from the Intel brand with its new service so people don't automatically think of 'Intel Inside.' Read this...
View ArticleThe 10 McFunniest Reactions to Burger King Twitter Hack
Twitter reacted to the Burger King Twitter hack with its usual 140 character McBites of snappy commentary. Here's 10 of our favorites.Josh Leichtung's insight:More fun at Burger King's expense.Will...
View ArticleBurger King Twitter Page Hijacking Fiasco. Will McDonalds Apologize? Will...
Burger King Coup d'état!Was it the Burger Queen? Was Hamburgler involved? Has Ronald McDonald gone rogue, or has Ronald McDonald copped a plea to save himself? Josh Leichtung's insight:McDonalds does...
View Article'Social Wars' Infographic Compares the Forces of Google, Facebook
An infographic compares Google to Facebook and imagines Mark Zuckerberg as Luke Skywalker.Josh Leichtung's insight:Though humorous, this doesn't take into account LinkedIn or the other social networks...
View ArticleHTC counting on viral marketing to challenge Samsung
HTC, a brand known for making great hardware but never promoting it properly, will begin a marketing campaign Friday for the HTC One, its latest flagship smartphone.Josh Leichtung's insight:"I don't...
View ArticleSEO Keyword Strategy for Fashion Ecommerce Websites: It’s All About Trends
By using a combination of search trend data and traffic forecasting, ecommerce sites can capitalize on hot celebrity fashion news or cultural trends to create SEO value. Here's how to tie the latest...
View ArticleStudios Go Direct To Fans For Social-Media Boost - NPR
Studios Go Direct To Fans For Social-Media Boost NPR LOS ANGELES (AP) — Sometimes you just can't wait for Comic-Con — whether you're a fan or a filmmaker.Josh Leichtung's insight:PR has been...
View ArticleThese Startups May Have Blown It By Turning Down $100 Million - Business Insider
Business Insider These Startups May Have Blown It By Turning Down $100 Million Business Insider Gurley isn't the only investor urging founders to take their startups further.Josh Leichtung's...
View ArticleFive Noteworthy Startups from TechCrunch Disrupt NY - TIME
Irish Times Five Noteworthy Startups from TechCrunch Disrupt NY TIME As its name implies, the event emphasizes companies and individuals who are bringing disruption and innovation to their respective...
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